How To Stop A Horse From Bucking
This is the one and only BuckBuster Tack! If you have a horse that loves to buck, then THIS IS THE ANSWER!
The BuckBuster Halter is designed to apply pressure to the base of the horse’s ears (at a pressure point) when it lowers its head preceding a buck. Therefore, The BuckBuster Halter is a pressure and release system applying pressure during the unwanted behavior and releasing the pressure during the desired behavior. The horse essentially teaches itself that it’s no fun to buck!
Designed to fit like a regular bridle, The BuckBuster Halter causes no discomfort to the horse until it activates it by throwing its head down to buck. As soon as it raises its head back up, the squeezing pressure ceases. The horse doesn’t know The BuckBuster Halter is on unless he misbehaves.
This ingenious device allows you to ride your problem horse within a few minutes. It also provides peace of mind to the rider whose horse is an occasional bucker.
BuckBuster Tack is available in two versions, The BuckBuster Halter and The BuckBuster Bridle. The original BuckBuster Halter requires the use of a bridle overtop. The BuckBuster Bridle eliminates the need for a bridle overtop. See Products & Descriptions
The BuckBuster Halter is designed to work with a saddle that has a saddle horn. If you have an English saddle, then the purchase of an English Saddle Strap Adapter will be necessary in order to use your BuckBuster.
The BuckBuster Halter was invented in Oklahoma – the heartland of America – and is manufactured with the highest quality materials right here in the U.S.A.
Our business is family owned and operated to provide personal service second to none.

For the horse that occasionally acts up:
- Easier to control
- Reduces likelihood of bucking when spooked
For the horse with young riders:
- Increase peace of mind
- Build confidence
For horses that have never been ridden or are green broke:
- Break horse easier & faster
- Get to the saddle more quickly
- Reduce the danger
- More humane method