I ran across the buckbuster while surfing through youtube, I was working four colts from two years old to four years in the round pen doing a bunch of ground work. I hadn’t saddled them yet and I’m 60 years old so the ground is getting harder and not enough hand holds on my saddle like in my younger years. Lol. I thought I have nothing to loose with their money back promise. I’ve used it on all four colts and not one of them tried to buck , one four year old when I started him around the pen went to drop her head and immediately picked it back up and loped in a circle. I have now put ten rides on them all with out one trying to buck. My first get ons were a little western them being colts , but once on their back it was just amazing. I wish I would have known about this years ago. I have broke over 100 colts through the years and I know the difference with this buckbuster and with out. It will save you months of training and worries of riding a bomb waiting to blow up. Thank you
May 24, 2022 4:12 PM